Monthly Archives: September 2016

Professional Presentation Tips

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  • Professional Presentation Tips

We  believe that professional public speaking is the most wanted and needed soft skill in a social media obsessed world.  We believe careers are enhanced and developed with professional public speaking as a valued skill set.  We believe all businesses from the executive suite to the executive trainee can grow its brand internally and externally with professional public speaking skills.


Kennedy J. Parks Media + Design

Kennedy Parks

Kennedy J. Parks has been the video editor and creative photographer for the Parks Professional Group.  She has earned her entrepreneurial wings as the founder of Kennedy J. Parks Media + Design.  She has work credits with Philander Smith College, Wildwood Arts Academy and various theater productions.

Moth House Design Company

moth-house-design-logoDanielle Kling of Moth House Design Company is an incredible creative graphic design business owner.  My first professional encounter with Danielle was powerful.  I was tasked with rebranding our MLK program at UAFS.  I gave Danielle how the program should have a more "comptempary" theme instead of an "historic" theme.  She came up with this:

MLK Instagram ImageAs someone who has had Dr. King as an inspirational role model for years, this photo along with graphics captured my immediate attention.  We put this image out on social media, website, billboards and print sources.  We had an overwhelming audience and I know it was Danielle's vision that helped the university and the community see we had a new "brand".

Rachel Rodemann Photography

Rachael Rodemann
Rachel Rodemann of Rachel Rodemann Photography of Van Buren Arkansas is the best photographer and photo story teller I have ever been professionally associated. Her study of craft, subject, story and message is outstanding. She has professionally photographed corporate executives, institutional stories and significant life events (children and weddings).